Saturday, January 5, 2013

fisher n paykel drain pump burning smell

Few days ago, i discovered that whenever i wash my clothes, there is this burning smell from the washing machine. Besides the burning smell, the water draining also seems like not working 100%. So i spent some time searching for answer and came across this post last week. To see whether my drain pump is the problem, i decided to figure out this today.

First thing i need to do is to tilt the washing machine so that the under site is exposed. The drain pump is easy to identified as there is a black fan on it. Before take out the drain pump, unplug wires that connected to it. As you can see on the photo below, there is a plastic latch, i just hold it, turn anti clockwise (need some force) and the drain pump is out. Luckily i prepare some towels as some water flow out from it.

Inspecting the drain pump, immediately i spotted something, a rubber band entangle on it!

I took out the rubber band and did some cleaning to the drain pump and put it back and it seems like the burning smell is not that strong, probably have to monitor for few more times. But one thing for sure, next time when i do my washing, i will make sure no more rubber band in any of my clothes.

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